Thursday, February 14, 2008


Me,the hidden paradox
a lamb behind a fox

Sorrows hidden behind my smiles
Reality behind my superficiality

I am not true but I feign
I am not joyful but in pain

My tears behind my eyes
My shrieks behind my sighs

My hopelessness behind my hopes
My willingness behind my "No's"

My liveliness is thus just a show
Who has seen my heart full of woe

'Shiny eye' is the tear
which I have not shed

'Quiteness' is the word
which I have not said

Feelings freeze when pouring out
I'm weak seemingly stout

Loneliness in the crowd
regret behind being proud

Things affect,when unaffected
words pierce,when shielded

Moments sink,when they float
Memories close,when remote

Me, the hidden paradox
trudging behind my walks.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful poem. I think that while you see it as perhaps expressing who you are, at a bigger level it expresses who we all are deep inside.

Anonymous said...

You have found some better place.
Better than a wall on your face.
Come lets hail..n embrace this grace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Roberto =)!