Saturday, August 31, 2013

Some Lessons

I have worried myself out for ages, unfotunately these worries were about the things that never actually happened. The insecurities and unnecessary fear of future, only led me to take actions that made everything worse off. 

Fear of the unknown and the consequent measures to minimize uncertainty did the most harm. I took actions to kill uncertainty and made sure I predicted as much as I could about future.

I did minimize uncertainty to a large extent (unluckily) but the decisions that made my life predictable and certain turned out to be the worst decisions of my life.

I learned a few good lessons though, which I would definitely like to share:

  • Don't focus on fear and uncertainties, do what gives a purpose to your life.
  • Don't change your path to make life easier in the short run.
  • Don't shrink your dreams just because you don't know if they will come true or not.
  • Don't absorb the fears and apprehensions of others, they are pessimistic because they can't feel the way you feel about your dreams.
  • Take a stand and make sure you defend what you want from life. Don't let the world discourage you or change your mind. 

Remember, it's you who is responsible for living the life you want. Others cannot choose for you, you have to choose on your own and give it your best.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life is all about learning, giving and loving, the earlier we realize more strong we become. Problems, fears, threats are to test our faith which ultimately determines our fate.